The private key is a secret number that allows you to spend bitcoins. If there are bitcoins in the wallet, then the private key will allow a person to control the wallet and spend any wallet balance. Thus, this program tries to find Bitcoin private keys that correlate with wallets with a positive balance. However, since it is impossible to know which secret keys control money wallets and which are empty wallets, we have to randomly search for every possible secret key that exists and hope to find one that has a balance.
This program is essentially a brute force algorithm. It continuously generates random bitcoin private keys, converts the private keys to the corresponding wallet addresses, and then checks the address balance. If a wallet with a balance is found, then the private key, public key and wallet address are saved in a text file rezutus.txt on the user’s hard drive. The ultimate goal is to randomly find a wallet with a balance of 2,160 possible existing wallets.
ivate key is a secret number that allows you to spend bitcoins. If there are bitcoins in the wallet, then the private key will allow a person to control the wallet and spend any wallet balance. Thus, this program tries to find Bitcoin private keys that correlate with wallets with a positive balance. However, since it is impossible to know which secret keys control money wallets and which are empty wallets, we have to randomly search for every possible secret key that exists and hope to find one that has a balance.
This program is essentially a brute force algorithm. It continuously generates random bitcoin private keys, converts the private keys to the corresponding wallet addresses, and then checks the address balance. If a wallet with a balance is found, then the private key, public key and wallet address are saved in a text file rezutus.txt on the user’s hard drive. The ultimate goal is to randomly find a wallet with a balance of 2,160 possible existing wallets.
The program generates bitcoin addresses with private keys . generation takes place at a speed of up to tens , and if you have a more powerful computer, then hundreds of millions of addresses per second and constantly checks the addresses for matches with the addresses recorded in the 2 TXT folder . Addresses in the 2 TXT folder with a positive balance. There are also two bat files to run. One bat file runs the program on the computer’s processor , the second bat file runs it on the video card. If the program finds matches, it saves the result in the results folder. You can also run this program on a remote server. The program does not require an Internet connection, since the generation of bitcoin addresses with private keys occurs, SHA 256, RIPEMD-160 , base58 are already built into the program
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The program generates Ethereum addresses with private keys. And constantly checks the addresses for matches with the addresses recorded in the 2 TXT folder. Addresses in the 2 TXT folder with a positive balance. There are also two bat files to run. One bat file runs the program on the computer processor, the second bat file runs it on the video card. If the program finds matches, it saves the result in the results folder. You can also run this program on a remote server. The program does not require an Internet connection.
To find a secret key, you need an indefinite amount of time, it’s like a lottery, or find it in one day, or within six months. If you are lucky, you will quickly detect a collision. Addresses are randomly generated, programs generate random keys, there is a small chance to find matches.